Welcome to KIHM

This is a competency based Caregiver curriculum is designed to produce competent Care giver equipped with knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to the care giving occupation especially for Israel. In this curriculum, trainees practice care giving skills needed to them.


The aim of the curricular program is to produce and supply competent Caregivers equipped with knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for that occupation so as to fulfill the need of such human resources in Israel.


After the completion of program trainees will be able to:

  1. Create safe, healthy and stimulating environment
  2. Provide common nursing care &first aid services
  3. Provide necessary physical services to the care receiver
  4. Assist to apply comfort measures for the care receiver (Elder/disable/child)
  5. Provide hygienic care & nutritional services to the care receivers
  6. Monitor the wellbeing of the care receivers
  7. Respond to work place emergencies
  8. Communicate properly in English and Country specific language.

Program Description

This curriculum is based on the tasks required for Care giving at various workplaces such as Private Homes, Day care centers, Children Homes/Orphanages, Elderly Homes, Hospital/Health Centers, Rehabilitation Centers, and Private Care Centers.

This curriculum consists of four parts such as: (1) Concept of Care giving, (2) Caregiver Service, (3) Environment health and Sanitation and (4) Communication Skills 

Admission Requirement : SLC/ +2 pass

Training Duration  : 3 months


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